When you think about how the wood industry and plywood distributors are affecting climate change, you probably imagine the worst.
After all, this line of work involves cutting down trees, which has been shown to increase greenhouse gas emissions. But did you know that there are actually more trees in the United States now than there were 100 years ago? This fact seems illogical to many people, but because of new standards put in place by industry leaders like USply, environmental regulations for plywood distributors and importers, and reforestation efforts by organizations like the National Arbor Day Foundation, it’s the truth. And at USply, we’re devoted to protecting these trees and helping to offset the impact that the lumber industry has on the environment.
Climate change is a somewhat controversial topic, but at USply, we understand the impact that our industry in specific has on the environment. If we don’t try to limit the damage, the world could be in a dangerous place. Because of this, we formed a partnership with the National Arbor Day Foundation.
The National Arbor Day Foundation was created in 1972. Their mission is to inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.
Since their founding, this non-profit organization has planted more than 60 millions trees. And with more than one million members, donors, and partners, their legacy of reforestation will continue for years to come. At USply, we’ve developed a partnership where a portion of every sale we make goes to this foundation and helps them continue to plant trees, reduce the effects of climate change, and make a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.
Some of the projects we support include,
- Carbon Offsets
By using trees to naturally sequester carbon emissions, the National Arbor Day Foundation is helping to slow down climate change.
- Habitat Projects
By helping to re-establish large portions of rainforest in Madagascar, this foundation is providing lemur habitats as well as reducing the amount of carbon emissions in the air.
- Reforestation
Replanting forests across the nation and around the world is a key component to increasing carbon sequestration and slowing climate change, and one of the National Arbor Day Foundation’s top priorities.
When it comes to our impact on climate change, we take our responsibility seriously. USply is a leader in the wood industry, and we’re determined to hold our plywood distributors and ourselves to the highest standards so that we can protect the environment.
Through our partnership with the National Arbor Day Foundation, we can offset our impact and help create a future we can all be proud of.