So that all our employees can celebrate with family and friends this Holiday season, the USply office will be closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, December 23, 24 and 25, as well as Tuesday, December 31 and Wednesday, January 1.
If you have special receiving hours over the next few weeks, let your sales representative know so that we can coordinate your scheduled shipments accordingly.

We know plywood. Let us help you find the right product.

    What is your Primary Business?*
    DistributorRetail Lumber YardCabinet ManufacturerFurniture ManufacturerOther (specify)

    What type of plywood do you purchase (check all
    that apply)?* Import BirchMDFPineFlooring UnderlaymentMapleDrawer SidesMerantiPrimed PanelsCabinet LinerPainted PanelsOther (specify)

    How many truckloads of plywood do you purchase
    on a monthly basis?* 0-2 truckloads per month2-4 truckloads per month4-6 truckloads per monthMore than 6 truckloads per month