Advantage Hardwoods

USply is now stocking Red Oak and White Oak decorative plywood panels as part of our Advantage Hardwoods offering. Competitively priced, this material features plain sliced, rotary cut and rift cut veneers that are 0.5mm thick.
  • Plain Sliced Red Oak – 5.2mm, 12mm and 18mm, B2 Grade
  • Rotary Cut Red Oak – 5.2mm and 18mm, B2 Grade
  • Rift Cut White Oak – 5.2mm A2 Grade, 12mm and 18mm A1 Grade
 Ask about B-grade Maple panels as well, available in 5.2mm, 12mm, and 18mm thicknesses, with a 0.3mm thick veneer.

We know plywood. Let us help you find the right product.

    What is your Primary Business?*
    DistributorRetail Lumber YardCabinet ManufacturerFurniture ManufacturerOther (specify)

    What type of plywood do you purchase (check all
    that apply)?* Import BirchMDFPineFlooring UnderlaymentMapleDrawer SidesMerantiPrimed PanelsCabinet LinerPainted PanelsOther (specify)

    How many truckloads of plywood do you purchase
    on a monthly basis?* 0-2 truckloads per month2-4 truckloads per month4-6 truckloads per monthMore than 6 truckloads per month